Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shaqin' our world project

       The Theory of Plate Tectonic is that Pangaea is divided into 7 different continents known today. It is basically the theory of how the earth move.  Some evidences are fossils, and continental drift.

       Fossils found in the east side of  South America are also found in the west side of Africa. Part of certain mountains in a coutry is similar to one from another country, for example the Himalayas mountain.The continental drift is also another example, if you look at the continents you could see that they fit together like a puzzle.

       I agree with the theory of plate tectonics because Wilfred Wegener shows enough evidence that proved it. And when i look at the globe, i can really see that the continents, if arranged will become a puzzle.  


1- What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
2- What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
3- What new skills did you learn from this project?
4- Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain
5- What would you change about this project?

  -  In this project i enjoy doing the foldables especially assist other students make theirs and how they come up with their ideas.
 -  Some challenge i had was when i had to watch the videos and remember what they talk about. It make me remember back when i was in Haiti, when i had to remember lessons.
-  I haven't really learn any new skills.
-   I would do some more cool things, probably put the works in some sort of videos or motion pictures. I think it would be better.
- I wouldn't change a thing about the project, because we all learn things we didn't know about.   

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sedimentary clastic



 Metamorphic foliated

non foliated


   The rock cycle is the process by which rocks are formed. when volcano  cools it turns into a metamorphic rock. When the lava cools it turns into an igneous rock, then by weather and erosion turns into sediments. Sediments turn into sedimentary rock by compaction. Finally the sedimentary rocks melt and turn back into magma.


    Metamorphic rock: when the volcano cools
    Magma: melted rocks
    Igneous rock: when lava cools
Compaction: get together

Rock type

igneous intrusive
